Tag Archives: japanese text

Every petal’s a masterpiece.

For last two weeks, my priority #1 has been to spend as much time with spider lilies, bloom for a short while each autumn.
This year they are back earlier, and seemingly more in numbers.

The blossom has been my muse for sometime now, and here’s why, shown in pictures.

A flower petal close up.
Flower painting on silk.
Flower painting on silk.
A flower petal close up.

The above two drawings are both dye sample swatches, from top the completed #2 and in-progress #3. On different fabrics – both silk, with slight difference in dye absorption, lines bolder on the #3 just because. This style of drawing is a new trick I am trying out since the above #2 but has been on my mind for much longer.

As for the petals, I couldn’t find a thing to add. Examining them closely somehow grew me muted.

Red spider lilies close up.

I’ve decided to call this project “Spider Lily Red”, the newest addition to my dyed threads series.




進行中の彼岸花シリーズ『Spider Lily Red』は当方の染色系統の次作(今までの作品はこちら)。

Red spider lilies in a ray of light.
2020.10.13 – True North

Abstract Petal.

An abstract flower pencil drawing.

This recently-finished pencil drawing is to be a reference for a dye sample/swatch I’m gonna be working on next, that is for the newest of my Dyed Threads series, “Spider Lily Red” project. The line-oriented approach you see here is of me teaching myself a new trick, that I think would best capture the extreme curliness of the spider lily petals.

An abstract flower petal drawing.

The said petals start out fairly straight-edged. As the blooming progresses however, they go into this full-on abstract free-form red wavy anarchy that feels more like a perfectly-choreographed theater. Petals themselves are quite tiny but hold within so much passion, that’s how I sense them anyways.

An abstract flower petal drawing.

The project is gradually gaining momentum so swing by again when you get a chance.
Thank you for your visit.

これをもとに染め見本を作るのが当方の『Dyed Threads』シリーズの通常の手順。

Lily Overload (and a few images from random Autumn scenes).

Just wanted to see how a longish title would look.

As a research for my upcoming dye piece, I’ve been taking way too many photos of spider lily blossoms. Through this practice ideas seem to emerge. Well, they better.
Here I picked the best of, all taken just recently.

Silver grasses by the sea.
A Jizou rock statue.
A grasshopper on spider lily buds.
Red spider lily blossoms.
A flowering spider lily bud.
Sun-lit silver grasses.



追記 on 2020年11月29日:

Last Edited: November 29, 2020.

To West and Back

Sea surface with rocks.

This year summer arrived late. Right when it did, I headed west in my little Honda. Along the coast of the Great Channel of Far East (formally known as Japan Sea), until I hit the region called San-in, “in the shadow of mountains”.

I’ve taken city street, cutting through “Japan Alps” at midnight (not the smartest idea), so as to really hear cicadas sing, millions of trillions of them. Each and every mount tall and small buzzed like it is a space craft about to take off, sound that goes well with the blazing summer sun.

Mountain with green trees.
Clear sea shore.
Yellow summer daisies.
Sea surface at sunset.

Beaches of San-in have minimum dose of concrete holding them in. Mounds of thriving woods in sharp angles and rocky little picturesque islands grow out of glassy teal sea. They perch at the edge of water, appearing wild, but also somewhat reserved. Polite yet unrestricted, the harmonious anarchy.

While treading water impressed, ocean decided to rush into my snout, sending an army of microorganisms as plenty as cicadas in summer hills, on a mission to unlock my senses from inside out. Thanks to them the buzzing intensified, and for a few moments I felt I could almost ‘get’ what their song is all about.

From top:

1 and 2 – Tango Peninsula, Kyoto

3 – Yasugi Beach, Hyogo

4 – Aizu South, Fukushima

5 – Kasumi, Hyogo

All photographed earlier this month.
Heartfelt “Thank You!!” to all of you generous souls I encountered during my trip.




写真1、2 丹後半島 京都府
写真3 安木浜 兵庫県
写真4 南会津 福島県
写真5 香住 兵庫県


I recommend Dawn.

Sea shore at sun rise.

Summer dawn, what’s not to love. It’s here today, not to stay for long.

Wild summer flowers.

Up the hill, or down to the beach. Will drive empty streets. Watch the light sneak into the pre-dawn quiet.
I’m the sinister figure looking into your rice field, or up at the sky with my back facing the sun asleep right below the horizon.

What’s she doing out there, which planet is she from, she waiting for a ride back home, oh look, she’s talking, to her friends in the sky, or spirits of frogs ran over during the night…

Summer field at dawn.

In fact I’d be talking to myself, can I just not move for a moment or two, which ain’t audible to rural early risers, not until I laugh fairly loudly at my own sloth; I hate tripod.

Rice field at dawn.

All the images were shot in late June, 2013 – sometime around the solstice, by yours truly the staying upper, camera hand held.





Lily sans Red.

Flower pencil sketches.
Flower pencil sketches.

Study on spider lilies continues on.

Flower pencil sketches.

Getting more detailed, developing a somewhat specific direction compared to the ones I did a bit ago.
