Monthly Archives: July 2013

I recommend Dawn.

Sea shore at sun rise.

Summer dawn, what’s not to love. It’s here today, not to stay for long.

Wild summer flowers.

Up the hill, or down to the beach. Will drive empty streets. Watch the light sneak into the pre-dawn quiet.
I’m the sinister figure looking into your rice field, or up at the sky with my back facing the sun asleep right below the horizon.

What’s she doing out there, which planet is she from, she waiting for a ride back home, oh look, she’s talking, to her friends in the sky, or spirits of frogs ran over during the night…

Summer field at dawn.

In fact I’d be talking to myself, can I just not move for a moment or two, which ain’t audible to rural early risers, not until I laugh fairly loudly at my own sloth; I hate tripod.

Rice field at dawn.

All the images were shot in late June, 2013 – sometime around the solstice, by yours truly the staying upper, camera hand held.



