Monthly Archives: August 2008

Light Calligraphy

Christmas tree and people in the city, in blur.

Moon light over the shore.
Candle lights patterns.
Light house lights patterns.

Unlike a more popular approach to light calligraphy that is to move a flashlight while in long exposure, I swing my camera-arm around instead in a way much similar to ink calligraphers with enormous brushes.
I do this solely on my impulse, often times with my eyes closed, as there is no way for me to pre-plan or monitor what is being drawn.

Many of the resulting images (including the pieces presented here) have composition that require no cropping. Some of them even turn out to have resemblances to my past paintings.

Opportunities for light calligraphy arrive spontaneously.
The experience always had enlivening effect on myself and some of those who happened to witness seemed to have joined me in the enthusiasm with curious sort of excitement.



From top:
Christmas Lights at Union Square, SF.(2011)
Moon (2011)
Candle Night (2010)
Light House (2011)
Design District, San Francisco (2011)

Street lights patterns.

Last Edited: December 06, 2021.