Creative Self Exploration – Part Six: Imaginative Treasure Hunt


Welcome to Part 6 of a year-long exercise/project “Creative Self Exploration” where, I conduct weekly experiments, by (pretty much) solely following my hunches/ inspirations, playing it by my intuitive ear.

In this section we are going to use our imaginative faculty and dive deeper into our internal landscape, in search of a treasure chest packed with what make you special, come alive, irreplaceably … you.

To those of you who already have good grasp on what those things are – may I, humbly, propose you give this a try anyways, as there are always more about our self, to be discovered, unearthed.
Something new, some things we grew out of, things that may surprise, shock or delight you – even just for the sake of asking, conversing with our self, for…

Your attention to self is like a gentle rain upon a seed
in the vast continent of Potentials and Possibilities.

The next 6 weeks’ exercises are not designed to produce creative works (unlike Part 3, 4 and 5), however, if you’re so inclined, please go ahead and record your discoveries about yourself in any ways that thrill you. I’ve shared quite a few tools here suitable for that purpose, so please make use of them if you may.

Please Be Noted: If, at any point, you feel overwhelmed or get other strong responses, please suspend the exercise and proceed with suitable self care measures. Read more in Introduction page – scroll down to “Few Important Notes”.

( in reverse chronological order )

Week 39: Revere

September 28, 2024

Welcome back!
This week we are going to conclude our Treasure Hunt adventure inward.

How was the last week’s unboxing/big reveal? Hope you liked what you found.
Let’s begin this week’s exercise.

Find a place/time you can be alone with your imagination for a while.
Go over the list from last week, of the treasures you found inside your box.
Anything you can implement into your daily life this week?
Find one or more of that and spend some time this week with it/them, in manners symbolical or actual.

Here’s what I mean by implement.
If the treasure has a scent, e.g. if a garden with fragrant flowers and a seat to sit, marvel and write your novel is one of your treasures, find a thing with the scent – the very flower, essential oil (pro tip: if in straits, drop store sample on your wrist), scented bath beads…and carry it with you to a seat that resembles the one from your treasured vision.

I think you get the idea. I am suggesting you live this week in the feel of what makes it a treasure. In case of the example given above, it’s the way you’d feel sitting there, typing. Slip into the feel/vision and imagine with the whole of yourself, how you’d feel in the garden with words flowing out of you onto a paper.

This is not a “manifestation” exercise so please don’t strain yourself trying to make it happen – it’s not the aim of this week’s exercise.
It is more about appreciating, as in acknowledging the vision/treasure, for, if it was in your treasure chest, it’s there for a very good reason. It’s about inviting your treasure to the table, sit with it quietly together like you would with a very special friend.

I don’t know what would happen if you did. That’s between you and you, and I deem it sacred. I have a sneaking suspicion however, that something very special will result, if not right away, sometime in the future.*

*I’ve said this before but allow me to repeat:
sometimes, emphasizing on what you envision/want can bring you to a possibly painful awareness about things within you that counter it.
In case of the example above, reason(s) why you cannot permit yourself to write.
If you feel ready I encourage you to go into/through the awareness but if you feel overwhelmed, please do not force yourself, for timing may not be right. Not now doesn’t have to mean never. You know you, your wisdom, how to care for yourself.

I began every week of Part 6 with a line “envision with me”.
Envision together for starter, for encouragement perhaps, I said it knowing that your visions are very personal to you. They so often ask you to withstand a particular variety of solitude, to contain your visions within you and validate the weight of them yourself.
I’ve been calling it Creative Solitude. What about you, how would you term it?

Creativity Cocoons;
Your Visions Grow Wings in the Lightless.

Creativity, as in, What turns a very large body of water into an ever-shifting sculpture you can swim in. Lightless, symbolically.

Hope it was enjoyable and somewhat meaningful to you.
Next week, the Part 7 launch. More quality fun ahead.
Til then!!

Week 38: Discover

September 21, 2024

Envision with me.
You are standing face to face with a treasure chest, belongs only to you.
Unlocked it last week, and this week, the moment of big reveal awaits you.

Imagine, lifting the lid of your box.
How does it – the lid, the experience – feel to you?
Take a moment and be present, as you face your treasures for the first time.
When ready, dive in and greet your treasures.

As has been during this Part 6 Treasure Hunt, I ask you to imagine the scene with you as the star of an unfolding story, and while at it, ask questions such as the ones posed to you here in this writing.
And wait for your answers to arise from within the depth of your existence.

Can you see yourself in front of your treasure chest, lifting the lid?
Can you feel it in your hands?
How’s the lid, its edges, the weight of it, the hinges… does it make any sound, does the task require both of your hands, or need lifting only one of your pinkies?
Does your heart sing or sulk, racing, tranquil … can you accept your reaction(s) in any case?
How’s the environment in which your box is situated? Is it supportive of your task, or is it a struggle?
I suggest you notice your such reactions without going into analysis as to why.
Acknowledge, then set them aside – and continue with the imagine-intuit “tango”, as in envisioning the scene, ask the questions and wait for your answers.
I suggest you flow with the process of it gentle and steady.

Then as you imagine, shift your focus on what is in the box. Your treasures.
Please take a moment or two – as long as you need – to admire* your treasures.
Imagine the scene as you soft-focus on the way you feel. Sensations, emotions, anticipations and expectations…
Be present in your imagination, and be there for you, however you feel.

*Worded, with full awareness you may not feel that way with all your treasures, all the time. Not as a sarcasm neither (I don’t do nasty here). It’s more about my fundamental attitude towards the concept.

Then comes the fun part: dive in, examine your treasures!!
Please spend enough time (e.g. the whole week) indulging in the process.
Whether it be delightful or disappointing, be present as possible in the unboxing of your treasures. I ask you to treat them as such – treasures – no matter how you currently feel about them.
If you like, write down what you found. And perhaps, your reactions to them as well.

As for me, I had a marvelous time last week, imagining me unlocking the box. I thought of sharing the experience with you but decided against it at least for now, for I don’t want to chance influencing you even in a minuscule way.
I decided to stick with what’s been my aim through the year so far: I write what feels right, and leave the rest up to you, how you hear and experience all this, and to the magic and magnificence of Creative Consciousness.
It is also out of respect for the Uniqueness of you, your self, your journey. I write with all that in mind because I’ve come to believe…

Uniqueness Invigorates Universality.

Embracing uniqueness of each individual does not shatter the collective. I think the effect would be quite the opposite.

Next week we will be concluding the Part 6 Treasure Hunt adventure. In other words, quality fun ahead.
See you then!!

Week 37: Unlock

September 14, 2024

Envision with me.
You got your treasure chest waiting for you. It’s filled with what make you special, your life meaningful, more so than ever. Your potentials, abilities, qualities, known or to be discovered.
You got the location. The key. Got everything set up to travel to it.

Imagine yourself traveling to the location where the treasure chest waits for you.
You are standing in front of it with the key in your hand.
Zero in on the moment you unlock your box.
How is it like to you, how does it feel?

This week, we are focusing on a few moments when you come face to face with your box, insert the key and turn it.
I want you to follow your internal responses as you imagine the scene.

What do you anticipate?
Excited? Scared? Of what?
Disappointment, or responsibilities – of getting what you hoped for.
Overwhelmed? Underwhelmed?
Do you feel guilty or grateful? Both simultaneously?
The deal is always the same as the previous weeks: ask yourself questions as you imagine the scene, and wait for your answers to surface from within you.

Becoming more can be difficult, even if it is only in your readiness for it.
To accept the gifts meant for you – the contents of the treasure chest – can mean changes in how you/r life has been.
It also can reveal to you, how you have been seeing yourself as. How your life could be. What you feel are allowed to be. A sense of limits imposed, walls of an invisible cell, weight of a ceiling…

Life’s circumstances vary. We may not get all our potentials fulfilled in this lifetime. Maybe it is more about us being grande, and less about life sucking merciless.
In any case, anyways, we can acknowledge them in our hearts. Our longings, aspirations, what we intuitively “know” about ourselves, how potent we are.
May come with possibly painful awareness that some of them may never be. One lifetime may not offer us enough resources. But we can still acknowledge the treasures in our chest.
And watch, witness, where that awareness alone can take you to.

Own Your Light:
Your Soul Blossoms in Delight.

Wishing you a week of you delighted in your own company.
See you next Saturday!!

Week 36: Venture

September 07, 2024

Envision with me.
You are planning a trip. To the place where your treasure chest is.
You got the location in your mind, a key in your hand, this week you are going to plan your trip to where the box is.

Plan an imaginary trip, as if you are taking off at the end of this week.
What would you need, for you to get to where you can stand in front of your treasure chest?
What do you think it would take – risks, expenses, investments, commitments….
Can you simulate one element from your imagined adventure into your “real” life this week?
How do you really feel about the trip?

As always, I am asking you to ask yourself questions like the ones above, and wait for your answers to surface from within you.

Plan in detail like you really are departing later this week.
Can you get there with a boat, a plane, a drone, a….space ship?
What if your treasure chest actually sits in your living room? In that case, what would be the “distance”?

If it’s on the ocean floor, you may need a specialized gear, or a way to turn yourself into a fish.
Invent a compact submarine for one (it’s a private mission) to get you to the challenger deep?
At what point you plan your transformation to a fish person, on the beach or on a boat?

Imagination can get you to places, where you can extend the boundary of your mind, stretch your wings and soar in the limitless sky. No, you won’t go crazy*. It trains your imaginative muscles as it tickles your creativity fancy.

*Needless to say but on internet, playing safe may be preferable: unless you indulge in practices that mess with your mind, to forcefully alter your perceptions – not what I recommend. What I write about here in this whole website, is about using our imagination, gently, naturally, respectfully – to maximize our creativity, because…

Everything Comes Alive Only in Creativity.

Now, if your answer happens to be ”it will take a decade to get there”, then please appreciate your answer as it is. No worries: practicality is not a hindrance in an imaginative practice like this one.

Can you bring one element from the trip to the box, into your actual life this week? Example, wear trousers to work that would be perfect for a trek to the tallest mountain top where your box sits, moving things out of the way in your living room so you get a clear view of your chest, carry with you a compass you’d need to find your box in a sand dune (camel kind), go for a swim and practice becoming a fish…

May have mentioned this in the past weeks but allow me to repeat: I suggest you keep all this to yourself during the Part 6 weeks. Why?
Your answers make sense possibly only to you, and part of strengthening creative muscles, at least I found this to be true time and again, is in holding your truth close to your heart, whether people in your life gets it or not. Imaginative visions oft possess tender/vulnerable qualities especially in their initial stages / when they emerge.

Speaking of tender and vulnerable, the last question, how do you feel about the trip?
Ridiculous? Would you mind asking yourself why? And wait for the – your – answers?
I surely hope you don’t feel that, but if you do, I hope you accept your answer with utmost respect.
What I really hope is you give this a try. I am not writing all this just to be silly.
I am not asking you to value my words (though that would be nice).
I am asking you to value yours.

Wishing you a fun week!!

Week 35: Weigh

August 31, 2024

Envision with me.
In your palms, there is a key. It is the key to your treasure chest.

How does the key feel in your palms?
Weight, texture, temperature, size, color, design….
What does it symbolize to you, initially, and at the end of the week?
Imagine placing it in your pocket/purse/etc. and spend this week feeling its presence.

So last week, we located our treasure chest. We at least sorta know its whereabouts. We are not traveling there yet though.
(Needless to say but let me; all this – chest/key/travel – take place in your imagination.)

This week’s focus is on the key to your treasure chest. Let’s assume your treasure chest has a keyhole and you got the key to it with you.

While imagining ask questions like the following, and let your responses arise from within you.

Is the chest locked? Do you know if it is?
Can you make copies of your key? Do you want to?
How does the key weigh in your hand? What are the look, the texture, the stories behind it?
Maybe made of iron, hand crafted centuries ago, maybe something ancestral about it. That’s a different kind of “weight”…
Or maybe, it’s light like a tiny feather, ready to fly away out of your grasp.
Is it made with technology that doesn’t exist on Earth just yet?
Or, so intricately crafted a tiniest spec of dust in the key hole may ruin your chance at opening the box?
If it’s a plastic card easily duplicated, does that feel convenient or vulnerable to you?

Is it weighing on you, the responsibility to look after your key, or does it get you delighted, like a ticket to freedom?
(Either way’s better than the other, what matters is that it is your answer, that you welcome your honesty.)

Now, I want you to spend your week carrying the key with you. In your pocket, in your purse, feel its presence, the weight, the way it reminds you of its existence…
Also, please make sure to pay delicate-relaxed attention, to see if there’s any shift in the way you feel about it.

Last week I touched on an intuition-imagination tango.
(Scroll all the way down to last week(wk34), right beneath the line in fancy big text “There’s always…”)
Alternately in simple math, the tango can be translated into something like: Intuition x Imagination = Inspiration.
Inspiration vivifies everything it touches. That’s what takes us further, to where we have never been before.

Imagine. Intuit. It takes two to Tango;
Your Self, in Tune with Creativity Itself.

Wishing you a beautiful week with your imagination.

Week 34: Search

August 24, 2024

Envision with me.
There is a treasure chest in this world somewhere. May look like the one from a pirates film. Or more modern like a locked safe. Let’s not go into details of the box for now though.

Imagine, it is filled with what make you feel excited, get you out of bed in the morn, fall asleep dreamy at night. Qualities, abilities, experiences… that make your heart do a happy dance. Make you feel like it is fantastic to be alive.
But it is not time for those things just yet.

What I want you to get into this week is the following:

Imagine, somewhere in this world there is a treasure chest that belongs to you, you alone.
Where do you think that would be?
How far / close it is from where you are at?
Is it easy or difficult to get there?
What kind of environment / surroundings?

Please don’t “think hard”. Instead, ask these questions and wait for the answers to arise from within you. This is meant to be fun.

Is it in your backyard? Basement, or even in your living room?
Or in the ocean, if so, how deep? Cold or warm? Hazards like sharks and crocs, or whales guiding you to it? If there’s a Godzilla sitting on it, is he guarding it for you or from you?
If in the forest, is it tropical or taiga? How far into the forest and how difficult getting there? Can you ride into it or do you have to hike?
Do you feel it is on another planet? Can you locate it at all?

Whatever the answer you get from yourself is THE answer for you at this time. No worries even if your answer is “outer space”.
Please do yourself a favor and receive it as it is. Because…

There is always a high chance you know way more about your self than you give yourself credit for.

I suggest, not get into analyzing as to why it’s so hard to get to it or it has been serving you as a foot rest.
I am suggesting you ask yourself a question like “where is it?”, wait for the answer remaining open to your self knowledge, then enjoy imagining details (godzilla!!) while still asking yourself “is it like this, or more like that?”

I am suggesting an intuition-imagination tango. I think some call it creativity.

Hope you’ll have fun. See you in a week!!

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